Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day-2 Vienna ( The Vienna State Opera )

The Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) in Vienna, the second day of Vienna. We decided beforehand that we want to try and go to some kind of Opera which we don't seem to familiar with it. On the bus to the opera we thought that if we go there we mind learn some thing about the culture or trandition over there by watching some kind play that related to the people or it country. But the thing is that we never been to a real Opera before, only watch it once or twice on TV. haha... only watch it on TV but wanting to go a real one is kind of making us nervous. We even thought we mind fall asleep half way during the play but luckily we didn't. The plays were nice and exciting and without realising it we enjoy the Opera until the end.

The Opera was wonderful, the music, the song, the play and the people were good and the performance is exciting which made you feel kind of pump up. The customs of the play also reflect on the performance,too. And it was nice because after the Opera we felt very relaxing even walking around was also excited.


  1. .. salbahis man ka uie..

    blogs maN Pud gani keu na imung BLOG.. monggo jud ..

    eeiiwwwww. PANGIT!!!!
